sisters :: children photographer :: lexington, ky
I’ve made it a tradition to do a session with my kids right before each of their birthdays. It’s one of those things that I look forward to and dread at the same time. Photographing your own kids comes with its own set of challenges. They know my tricks, and purposefully don’t fall for them, they have been subjected to too much camera-in-face since birth, and they are usually over it. So I try to make it a special time – we shop for outfits together, they pick the location, and I try to make it as fun as possible, and *really* try not to resort to bribes and/or threats 😉
This year, before my oldest turned EIGHT, we ventured out on the hottest July day. We lasted about 20 minutes downtown, and a few more by the Red Mile on our way home. I love those two little monkeys, and I am so glad no one was harmed in the making of those images!