beautiful family :: children and family photographer :: Lexington, KY
Where does the time go? It was almost exactly a year ago when I met this wonderful family. A few months later, they welcomed their baby son, who is now NINE months old, has the cutest natural mohawk, sparkly eyes and, as you can see through the drool, a bunch of teeth. His big brother is just as handsome too! On top of being great clients, they have also resparked my love for working out. Through Fit Kentucky, they run an awesome boot camp. Melissa, one of their trainers has been dishing me a bunch of great all body work outs and toning. I have felt muscles I had NO idea I had, but it feels great to be back to a good level of activity. It has actually helped us as a family do more active things together, so wave to us if you see us biking at Shillito park or hiking at McConnell Springs. This family is passionate about health and fitness. They live it, not just preach it and that translates into a great personal business.